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naivebayes (version 0.9.7)

Infix operators: Predict Method for Family of Naive Bayes Objects


The infix operators %class% and %prob% are shorthands for performing classification and obtaining posterior probabilities, respectively.


lhs %class% rhs
lhs %prob% rhs


  • %class% returns factor with class labels corresponding to the maximal conditional posterior probabilities.

  • %prob% returns a matrix with class label specific conditional posterior probabilities.



object of class inheriting from "naive_bayes" and "*_naive_bayes" family.


dataframe or matrix for "naive_bayes" objects OR matrix for all "*_naive_bayes" objects.


Michal Majka, michalmajka@hotmail.com


If lhs is of class inheriting from the family of the Naive Bayes objects and rhs is either dataframe or matrix then the infix operators %class% and %prob% are equivalent to:

  • lhs %class% rhs <=> predict(lhs, newdata = rhs, type = "class", threshold = 0.001, eps = 0)

  • lhs %prob% rhs <=> predict(lhs, newdata = rhs, type == "prob", threshold = 0.001, eps = 0)

Compared to predict(), both operators do not allow changing values of fine tuning parameters threshold and eps.

See Also

predict.naive_bayes, predict.bernoulli_naive_bayes, predict.multinomial_naive_bayes, predict.poisson_naive_bayes, predict.gaussian_naive_bayes, predict.nonparametric_naive_bayes


Run this code
### Fit the model
nb <- naive_bayes(Species ~ ., iris)

newdata <- iris[1:5,-5] # Let's pretend

### Classification
nb %class% newdata
predict(nb, newdata, type = "class")

### Posterior probabilities
nb %prob% newdata
predict(nb, newdata, type = "prob")

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